French bayonet Lebel model 1886/93/16 WWI
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French bayonet Lebel model 1886/93/16 WWI
The model M1886/93/16 Bayonet was standard issue to French soldiers fighting in the second half of WW1 after 1916 who were issued the Lebel rifle.
The M1886 bayonet is an usual design which has a long thin cruciform Blade with a peculiar locking device just behind the muzzle ring and an all metal grip
. M1886/93/16 bayonet
Brass smooth handle
Cruciform blade
Black steel tube scabbard
Overall length 67cms
Blade length 51.5cms
Originally the bayonets had a nickel-silver handle and a hooked quillion. By 1916, with the need to conserve nickel for the war effort, the handles were made of brass. About the same time they were manufactured without the quillion
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