Banner for light cavalry gibern, model guard
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Banner for light cavalry gibern, model guard
Strap for light cavalry gibern, model guard
Strap with brass buckle with double barbs, brass end strap, and brass keeper, see photo.
Natural leather with white external side, fully stitched.
Little brass pieces to close the strap
Maximum total lenght 100cm
Wide 45mm
Belt of officer Marechal first Empire undress IN STOCK LEATHER: BLACK AND BROWN
Cartridge box of hussar and hunter first Empire. IN STOCK
Officier Hussard cartridge box 1st Empire IN STOCK:RED LEATHER WITH SILVER braid / buckleCarefull if is not in stock, only to order about 4 to 6 weeks
Saber belt for regular light cavalry complet set IN STOCK
Saber belt officer with Lion head cockad complete Red / Silver IN STOCK:
Belt of officer Marechal first Empire fulldress IN STOCK