Paire de sangles pour giberne d'infanterie
Paiement sécurisé
GRATUITE dès 120€ d'achat
Autres destinations, voir page "livraisons"
Paire de sangles pour giberne d'infanterie
Vendue par paire.
cuir blanchi et boucles dorées
Belt of officer Marechal first Empire fulldress IN STOCK
Belt of infantry officer of the guard IN STOCK BLACK, BROWN, WHITE
Sénior Officier Hussard cartridge box 1st Empire Red with gold IN STOCK Carefull if is not in stock, only to order about 3 to 4 weeks
Sénior Officier Hussard cartridge box 1st Empire Black silver IN STOCK
Sellerie Occitane military equipments Visit also the website of the Sellerie Occitane, specialist of historical reenactment and horse show:Cossack volting saddles, bridles, breastplates, breastcollars, medieval breechings, medieval chamfers, etc..
Leather strap for 1st Empire infantry giberne IN STOCK
Saber belt for regular light cavalry complet set IN STOCK