Charivari de hussard 1er Empire
Charivari de hussard 1er Empire Plusieurs coloris possible. ATTENTION! Fabrication sur mesure. Sur commande uniquement, délai: 8 à 10 semaines environ.
Gilet de hussard Empire modèle 1
Plusieurs coloris possible.
Sur commande uniquement, délai: 6/8 semaines environ.
Paiement sécurisé
GRATUITE dès 120€ d'achat
Autres destinations, voir page "livraisons"
Gilet de hussard Empire modèle 1
- Drap de laine écarlate et coton écru au dos.
(pour d'autres coloris me contacter)
- Il est muni de deux sangles de réglage en coton dans le dos.
- 12 Boutons demi sphérique en laiton.
(possibilité d'avoir d'autres boutons, en bois par exemple)
- également de deux vrai poches sur le devant.
Plusieurs coloris de laine possible:
Rouge écarlate, rouge garance, Blanc, Bleu ciel, Bleu marine, Gris clair, Gris foncé, Noir, beige, Jaune.
Merci de nous donner vos mesures à l'aide de la fiche de mesures, que vous trouverez au début de la catégorie.
Charivari de hussard 1er Empire Plusieurs coloris possible. ATTENTION! Fabrication sur mesure. Sur commande uniquement, délai: 8 à 10 semaines environ.
Charivari pour cavalier second Empire Napoleon III Fabrication uniquement sur mesure, délai 8 à 10 semaines.
Pant dark sky blue wool with navy blue trim IN STOCK TAILLES: Carefull, see the correspondence of sizes in centimeters, in the description. If the size you want is out of stock, it is possible to order it, the delay will be 5/6 weeks.
Pant red garance wool with two gold trim See description, for the correspondence of sizes / cm EN STOCK: 28 30 34 40 44 Possible to order sizes out of stock, with a manufacturing time of approximately 5/6 weeks
Officer's pant French mod 1867- 1893 Voir description, pour la correspondance des tailles / cm EN STOCK: 34 38 Possible to order sizes out of stock, with a manufacturing time of approximately 8/10 weeks
Civilian vest officer général Empire. On order only, time: 6/8 weeks
Civilian vest model N ° 2 Many wool colors, and button models possible. Taylor made only, see details.
Pant dark sky blue wool with yellow trim IN STOCK TAILLES: 28 32 34 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Carefull, see the correspondence of sizes in centimeters, in the description. If the size you want is out of stock, it is possible to order it, the delay will be 5/6 weeks.
Pant light sky blue wool IN STOCK SIZES: 30 32 34 36 38 40 Carefull, see the correspondence of sizes in centimeters, in the description. If the size you want is out of stock, it is possible to order it, the delay will be 5/6 weeks.
Option for reinforcement of cavalry pants The pants will be fully lined on the crotch, see photos Only on order, time 4/6 weeks
Long John underwear, available in several sizes EN STOCK : M L XL XXL XXXL
Horseguard / Lifeguard Pant for foot regiment OUT OF STOCK : ONLY ON ORDER TIME 5/6 WEEKS Carefull, see the correspondence of sizes in centimeters, in the description.
Pant light grey wool IN STOCK TAILLES: 28 36 38 Carefull, see the correspondence of sizes in centimeters, in the description. If the size you want is out of stock, it is possible to order it, the delay will be 5/6 weeks.
Pants of French officer Zouave Napoléon III. See description, for the correspondence of sizes / cm OUT OF STOCK: Possible to order sizes out of stock, with a manufacturing time of approximately 4/6 weeks
Complete French Infantry uniform set "Piou piou / Field outfit" NIII 1870 only on order, taylor's made, time 8/10 weeks