Military white shirt light brown chet size 90cm destockage
Military white shirt light brown chet size 90cm destockage IN STOCK ONLY SIZE S
Veste Tropique M40 Allemand WWII
EN STOCK DE 48 à 58
Paiement sécurisé
GRATUITE dès 120€ d'achat
Autres destinations, voir page "livraisons"
Veste Tropique M40 Allemand WWII
matériau dessus: 100% Coton
tissu doublure: 100% Coton
48 = Tour de poitrine 100cm
50 = Tour de poitrine 104cm
52 = Tour de poitrine 110cm
54 = Tour de poitrine 116cm
56 = Tour de poitrine 120cm
58 = Tour de poitrine 123cm
Military white shirt light brown chet size 90cm destockage IN STOCK ONLY SIZE S
Pants white canevas See description, for the correspondence of sizes / cm IN STOCK: 28 32 38 40 42 44 46 48 52 Possible to order sizes out of stock, with a manufacturing lead time of 2/3 weeks
Reference: 18101200
Greatcoat M40 German WWII Only on order, delay 12/12 days
Jacket M32 Black German WWII OUT OF STOCK Taylor's made, only on order, time 6/8 weeks
Reference: 18110200
Pant tropical M40 German WWII IN STOCK SIZES 48 TO 56
Pants black canevas See description, for the correspondance of sizes / cm IN STOCK : 30 32 36 42 44 46 50 52 Possible to order sizes out of stock, with a manufacturing lead time of 5/6 weeks
Civilian vest model N ° 3 Many wool colors, and button models possible. Taylor made only, see details.
Pants black canevas See description, for the correspondence of sizes / cm IN STOCK : 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 Possible to order sizes out of stock, with a manufacturing lead time of 2/3 weeks
Civilian vest model N ° 5 Many wool colors, and button models possible. Taylor made only, see details.
Reference: 18116200
Overcoat Splinter Camo Tan/Water Allemand WWII ALL IN STOCK 1 2 3
Reference: 18116100
Overcoat Splinter Camo Allemand WWII IN STOCK SIZES 1 2