Sarouel de Zouave en coton blanc
ATTENTION! Sur commande uniquement, délai: 4 à 6 semaines environ.
Paiement sécurisé
GRATUITE dès 120€ d'achat
Autres destinations, voir page "livraisons"
Sarouel de Zouave en coton blanc
Fabriqué en coton blanc épais.
Il y a un lacet à chaque extrémité des jambes, passé dans un petit passant en coton.
Une poche de chaque côté.
Martingale de serrage au dos, et fermeture de la braguette à l'aide de boutons en fer.
Boutons présent pour fixer les bretelles
Attention, le prix ne vaut que pour le pantalon/sarouel
Pant light grey wool with yellow trim IN STOCK TAILLES: 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 48 50 52 Carefull, see the correspondence of sizes in centimeters, in the description. If the size you want is out of stock, it is possible to order it, the delay will be 2/3 weeks.
Tunic Colonel of the Zouaves France 1850-1880 Only taylor's made, delay approximately 4/6 months.
Civilian vest model N ° 7 Many wool colors, and button models possible. Taylor made only, see details.
Pant dark sky blue wool with yellow trim IN STOCK TAILLES: 28 32 34 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Carefull, see the correspondence of sizes in centimeters, in the description. If the size you want is out of stock, it is possible to order it, the delay will be 5/6 weeks.
Civilian vest model N ° 3 Many wool colors, and button models possible. Taylor made only, see details.
Civilian vest hussar Empire model 4 On order only, time: 6/8 weeks
Pants of French Guard National Mobil mod 1870 See description, for the correspondence of sizes / cm IN STOCK: 32 34 38 40 42 44 46 Possible to order sizes out of stock, with a manufacturing time of approximately 2/3 weeks
The Sarouel model Regular Napoléon III - 14/18 OUT OF STOCK, ONLY ON ORDER TIME 4/6 WEEKS
Pant navy blue wool with red piping with back strap IN STOCK SIZES: 36 44 Carefull, see the correspondence of sizes in centimeters, in the description. If the size you want is out of stock, it is possible to order it, the delay will be 5/6 weeks.
Civilian vest model N ° 5 Many wool colors, and button models possible. Taylor made only, see details.
Red "Garance" pants French Infantry with martingale See description, for the correspondence of sizes / cm IN STOCK: 26 28 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 52 Possible to order sizes out of stock, with a manufacturing time of approximately 2/3 weeks
Uniform of Zouaves of the Guard France 1870 Napoléon III This uniform is composed of waistcoat, bolero, and sarouel(pant).
Sarouel de Zouave en coton blanc
ATTENTION! Sur commande uniquement, délai: 4 à 6 semaines environ.