Sarouel de Zouave en coton blanc
ATTENTION! Sur commande uniquement, délai: 4 à 6 semaines environ.
Paiement sécurisé
GRATUITE dès 120€ d'achat
Autres destinations, voir page "livraisons"
Sarouel de Zouave en coton blanc
Fabriqué en coton blanc épais.
Il y a un lacet à chaque extrémité des jambes, passé dans un petit passant en coton.
Une poche de chaque côté.
Martingale de serrage au dos, et fermeture de la braguette à l'aide de boutons en fer.
Boutons présent pour fixer les bretelles
Attention, le prix ne vaut que pour le pantalon/sarouel
Pant light grey wool with yellow trim IN STOCK TAILLES: 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 48 50 52 Carefull, see the correspondence of sizes in centimeters, in the description. If the size you want is out of stock, it is possible to order it, the delay will be 2/3 weeks.
Tunic Colonel of the Zouaves France 1850-1880 Only taylor's made, delay approximately 4/6 months.
Civilian vest model N ° 7 Many wool colors, and button models possible. Taylor made only, see details.
Pant dark sky blue wool with yellow trim IN STOCK TAILLES: 28 32 34 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Carefull, see the correspondence of sizes in centimeters, in the description. If the size you want is out of stock, it is possible to order it, the delay will be 5/6 weeks.
Civilian vest model N ° 3 Many wool colors, and button models possible. Taylor made only, see details.
Civilian vest hussar Empire model 4 On order only, time: 6/8 weeks
Pants of French Guard National Mobil mod 1870 See description, for the correspondence of sizes / cm IN STOCK: 32 34 38 40 42 44 46 Possible to order sizes out of stock, with a manufacturing time of approximately 2/3 weeks
The Sarouel model Regular Napoléon III - 14/18 OUT OF STOCK, ONLY ON ORDER TIME 4/6 WEEKS
Pant navy blue wool with red piping with back strap IN STOCK SIZES: 36 44 Carefull, see the correspondence of sizes in centimeters, in the description. If the size you want is out of stock, it is possible to order it, the delay will be 5/6 weeks.
Civilian vest model N ° 5 Many wool colors, and button models possible. Taylor made only, see details.
Red "Garance" pants French Infantry with martingale See description, for the correspondence of sizes / cm IN STOCK: 26 28 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 52 Possible to order sizes out of stock, with a manufacturing time of approximately 2/3 weeks
Uniform of Zouaves of the Guard France 1870 Napoléon III This uniform is composed of waistcoat, bolero, and sarouel(pant).